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Sunday, 24 March 2013

About Realtor only if you want the best.

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Real estate transactions have experienced tremendous growth and has been the need for estate agents. Today, people increasingly interested in becoming owners and demand for goods increases the need becomes more important role of brokers. In the last agent use to provide services to both seller and buyer, but as the real estate market changed people started to realize that specialized services is more logical and beneficial. The real estate industry now buyer / seller looking for specialized agents who can provide specialized related expertise, information and services needed to complete the process. When a real estate agent represents both buyer and seller, it really limits agents to provide impartial service to all parties.
Let both (Seller / Buyer) scenario separately. A realtor who is listing agent for the seller has a fiduciary, ethical and moral represent only the seller. By obtaining the exclusive right to sell information, real estate agent is promising seller that he will live every effort to market the site and find the best price on the market value as high as possible in your home.
As a real estate buyer agent, he must find the ideal home for the buyer and all information should in the community. When a buyer looking to buy a property in the new community, he is very interested in finding more information on the population of the specific community, crime, climate, schools, traffic, living standards etc. Buyer Agent property must be well informed of all such information so that it can provide this information to the buyer. It will be easier for the buyer to make decisions based on these data.
 When the buyer is willing to buy a property in the community since the second part of the estate duty officer begins
As a buyer's agent, it is his responsibility to find a property, according to buyers' requirements
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