Back Pain
1) acupuncture
Acupuncture is also helpful for back pain. Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points on small and at various depths in the body. It causes no side effects, but be sure that the needles are sterilized used for treatment. Acupuncture helps the brain to reduce pain relieving chemicals such as serotonin, endorphins, and acetylcholine. Acupuncture should be performed by a qualified professional. Acupuncture with trigger point injections by some doctors who successfully combined.
2) Rest
Take a break from everyday life, but remember to not indulge too much rest. Rest for a while allows the muscles to repair themselves and take you away from further damage. Too much sleep does more harm than good. You need 40% of your activities that may fall caused the problem. Place a cushion or pillow under the knees when lying down.
3) Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy is often prescribed by a doctor for back pain. Physical therapy for pain of musculoskeletal origin, or conditions such as herniated disc spondylolythesis and help to improve quickly and prevent degeneration. Physical therapy in 2 to 3 times per week. Physical therapy can also relieve pain, improve function and prevent maintenance problems for the patient back to teach. There are two common forms of physical therapy such as physiotherapy, passive (procedure) and active physiotherapy. Passive therapy includes ice packs, application of heat and electrical stimulation during active physical therapy focuses on some stretches and exercises. For herniated discs are McKenzie and Maitland PT techniques best.
4) Take non-steroidal treatments and other generic
Consume OTC non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil or Naprosyn back pain. These NSAIDs are the most recommended drug for back pain. They contain only few side effects. These drugs help to swelling around the spine, allowing them to accelerate the healing process while easing pain. The overuse of these drugs can cause gastrointestinal damage. You can also try the generic processes as muscle relaxants for relief. Massage and heat also provide relief but no cure of the pain. The massage helps relax tense muscles. Incorrect massage techniques increases the back pain while getting a massage by a professional.
5) Alexander Technique
Alexander technique is a good therapy for back pain (chronic and acute). Alexander Technique is a gentle way to improve posture and movement in everyday life. Alexander Technique teaches good kinesthetic movements of the right means to avoid public health problems and cure conditions for the survival mediated. People are also taught the right amount of effort for an activity that they use more energy for daily activities. This method helps people find a new balance in the body.
6) Yoga
Yoga is a safe and effective way to reduce back pain. Including yoga postures, exercises and breathing techniques. The flexibility and muscle strength can be improved through yoga. The practice of yoga improves health, physical and spiritual strength, reduce stress and increase resistance. For herniated disc, piriformis syndrome are again curves for expressions are excellent excellent, looking forward to the stenosis are excellent and front seat folds and twists are for musculoskeletal problems very well. Wind constitute relief, turning the sage put the fish to make corpse, cat pose, and are also good for people with back pain. You need to practice Yoga under the guidance of an instructor.
7) Take notes
It is very important to observe and record the pain. See how long the pain lasts place of pain, intensity, especially the moment when the pain starts, he has to go to the leg, no symptoms return in a particular activity, if it still hurts to walk more lying, sitting, or after, and other things. Follow all these things. This advice will help you to describe exactly the pain doctor. If back pain is getting worse while you walk or run, it's because of the sacroiliac joint or foot problem. You can also take note "of what to do" daily program of activities.
8) Get a diagnosis
You must visit the doctor if the pain is very severe down leg, you have to go a weakness / numbness, loss of control on the toilet, the pain was an injury or pain that is caused to 10 days. Take your notes on the event to describe the pain exactly. To identify the cause of back pain, different types of tests such as X-ray, MRI and CT are performed with the physical examination. EMG will also be done to measure nerve conduction velocity when the pain is the lower leg.
9) Exercise
Simple back exercises are absolutely necessary to get relief from back pain. Back strengthening exercises the muscles that support the spine base. The flexibility and posture have improved, these exercises. Perform the exercise slowly to prevent under the guidance of a trainer that further suffering. Too much exercise can worsen the problem then do in moderation.
10) an operation with Second Opinion Go
They surgery when all other available treatments fail to relieve back pain. Surgery is necessary if not responding to other treatments herniated disc. Always consult different doctors before undergoing an operation
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