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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

About tulsi

Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.

Joseph Addison


About tulsi
Not only from religious issue of outlook but from medicinal viewpoint too it is highly helpful. The meagre stink of leaf makes the air wholesome and hinders the development of mosquitoes and soars in the locality.

There are mostly two types of tulsi:
Shyam tulsi: With dark tinted arises and departs
Rama tulsi: Whitish stems and green departs
Both kinds are roughly same as far as qualities and stink is worried. Yet Shyam tulsi is advised more helpful than Rama tulsi.
Those who consume five departs of tulsi every day remain defended from distinct kinds of diseases with enhanced recollection power and intelligence. vintage persons do not experience flaw and stay defended from some chronic infections.
Basil departs are body-fluid purifier. It enhances the beauty routinely. From medication purview it is not just a surgery but a super-medicine(maha aushadhi).
In Ayurveda it is advised as the destroyer of all the three doshas.
Taking juice extract of basil departs with water on empty stomach in the forenoon increases the blaze and memory power. It enhances digestive power as well.

This is kriminaashak. Basil juice extract extract directly stops vomitting. Its juice extract extract is very helpful in malaria. It enhances the functioning of kidneys and is very cooperative in case of acidity, stacks, white spots on skin, fatness etc. high temperature, cough, prakay, and TB patients are availed by taking three grams of tulsi every day. Basil juice extract extract with honey should be granted for six months to patients pain from pebble difficulty. hack, cold, high temperature, diarrhoea and vomiting etc. can be healed by tulsi. Its juice controls body-fluid cholesterol level.

Delhi NCR Property


After Finishing MBBS, Dr. Munna Starts his practice.
He Checked 1st patient eyes, tongue & ears by Torch.
And finally said BOLE TO.......... TORCH THEEEEK HAI

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