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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Natural remedies

The Remedies For Dandruff And Head Lice That Likes To Say Yes

Nothing is more bothersome and humilitating than having an itchy head, if it is initiated from a condition such as dandruff or from an infestation of lice.
Thankfully, a dwelling remedy for dandruff or a natural head lice treatment may help ease an itchy scalp, and numerous are quite very simple to use. The following concepts have been used treat these conditions without harming the hair:

Anti Dandruff Treatments

A flaky scalp is not only annoying, but furthermore it can be unsightly. The most significant factor in any dwelling remedy used for this status is that it halts the dandruff without wrecking the hair. The following remedies should do just that:
•Use cider vinegar in the final rinse water after shampooing.
•Boil white beets in water and request the cooled fluid to the head before bedtime. Using vintage linens is a good concept when utilising this remedy.
•Apply snake gourd juice extract to the scalp until flakes eventually reside.
•Mix green gram dust with four ounces of curd; clean head with this mixture two times a week.
•Soak fenugreek kernels in water for eight hours and then mash into a paste; depart this on the hair for thirty minutes at smallest two times a week and wash away with
A Natural shampoo.
For Getting Rid of Head Lice
Just hearing the phrase “lice” can cause a psychological answer so critical that numerous persons begin to scratch. These tiny mites can reproduce rapidly, irritate the scalp, and cause persons to scratch hard sufficient to convey sores.
One time an infestation has begun, killing head lice can be rather a chore. The following dwelling remedies may work better than many over-the counter products:
•Mix vinegar with the shampoo when washing the hair.
•Pour a germ murdering mouthwash on the head and wait a few minutes before rinsing.
•To eliminate nits, massage mayonnaise into the scalp and then run a comb through it.
•Use coconut oil as a final conditioning remedy.
Most importantly, after utilising any of these head lice treatments, change all bedding and vacuum upholstery thoroughly.
Fitness Myths and Half-Truths
Fitness Myth:The More workout The Better
 Of course you can get too much workout. numerous peak athletes give in to this myth, and numerous pay the price with wound, illness and despondency. When it arrives to exercise, you need an appropriate balance of teaching and rest in alignment to present optimally 

Fig (dried)
• Nutritional value (2 dried figs): 42 calories, 1.5 g fibre, source of potassium, calcium and iron
• Disease-fighting factor: High in fibre, figs may help reduce the risk of heart disease.
• Did you know? Puréed figs make an excellent substitute for fat (like butter or oil) in baked goods. Simply purée 1 cup (250 mL) of dried figs with 1/4 cup (50 mL) of water, then replace half of the fat called for in the recipe with an equal amount of the fig mixture.



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