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Saturday, 2 February 2013

The advantages of Fat!

The advantages of Fat!

There are three kinds of fats: Saturated fats (animal fats, usually solid), trans fats (hydrogenated) and unsaturated fats (olive oil, linseed oils, usually liquid).
An plenty of anything in your diet is not good, but fats are necessary for correct health; some being “essential nutrients”, significance they are not produced in the body.

Your diet should consist of 20-30% fats, whereas less than 10% of that total should be saturated. Unsaturated fats (poly and mono) smaller cholesterol and your risk for heart infection, while saturated fats increase HDL levels and your risk for heart infection.
Fats are utilised to maintain wholesome skin & hair, to insulate your bodily body parts against shock, help sustain body temperature and encourage healthy cell function. Fats can furthermore serve as an energy source being broken down in the body to issue glycerol while encouraging healthy cell function.
Tip: When food store buying, you shouldn’t look for “non-fat” goods such as milk, because they are generally higher in sugar supplementing to the calories.

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